Patient Information
If you are a close/household contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 please do not come to the clinic.
Please take the time to carefully read the following prior to your appointment
We ask for your patience and co-operation as we follow procedures to ensure your safety and the safety of all who enter our premises.
Expectations on arrival at the clinic:
- Patients booked from 8.30am onwards please phone the clinic when you arrive on 0800 45 27 45 and remain in the car park until we have phoned/text you to enter the clinic. (As reception is unattended until 8.30am, patients booked before 8.30am, please come into the clinic on arrival, scan the QR code, use hand sanitiser and take a seat ).
- You must enter the clinic on your own where possible, any accompanying person should remain in the car. If you require a caregiver for cultural, mobility or interpreter assistance please phone us to discuss prior to your appointment. Any essential accompanying person must also meet all of the entry requirements noted in this letter before entering the clinic.
- You will be required to wear a mask on arrival. Please do not touch your mask or face (eyes, nose and mouth), if for any reason you do you must sanitise your hands. If you do not have a mask we can provide you with one.
- You will be required to use hand sanitiser provided on arrival.
- You will be required to scan our QR code or fill in the manual entry record. This is now a mandatory government requirement.
- Where possible we promote 2m physical distancing with any other people attending the clinic.
If you are unwell with any of the below cold or influenza type symptoms please contact us to reschedule your appointment:
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- New or worsening cough
- Trouble breathing/shortness of breath
- Loss of the sense of smell or altered sense of taste
- Fever
- Body aches or pains.
If the answer is YES to any of the above, then for your safety we will advise you to reschedule your appointment with us and contact your GP or Healthline.
For the safety of our staff and other patients the following questions will also be asked:
- If you have tested positive for COVID-19 please do not attend your appointment, you will need to reschedule.
- If anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19 you must isolate for 10 days from the time of exposure to the last person testing positive.
Fendalton Eye Clinic have taken strict measures to ensure the safety of our staff and patients by following the guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Health (MoH) for COVID-19, to the highest standards. Your safety and the safety of our staff and wider community is our utmost priority.
All staff at Fendalton Eye clinic have received COVID-19 vaccinations.
We thank you for your understanding in this trying time, and as always, we will strive to maintain and deliver an excellent service. If you have any questions or concerns please phone us, 0800 45 27 45
Noho ora mai / stay well
The team at Fendalton Eye Clinic