Book your free
laser eye assessment

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We strive to deliver the highest quality vision correction & patient care with safety through experience & technology


making daily tasks more convenient

  • Are you frustrated at not being able to see the alarm clock on waking in the morning?
  • Are you annoyed by your spectacles fogging up when playing sport… or when opening the oven door?
  • Wishing you could swim with the children and see what is going on around you?
  • Do you avoid planning an overnight tramp for fear of removing contact lenses in compromised conditions?



Delivering customised treatments


A caring team

  • A dedicated caring team of eye care professionals lead by two leading eye surgeons 
Dr David Kent and Dr Zea Munro
  • We have a purpose built boutique laser suite
  • The only accredited laser eye centre in the South Island

Don’t delay any longer book a free screening assessment with a skilled member of our technical staff who will advise you on the best treatment option for your eyes. You’ll be wishing you had seen us sooner

Why we are leaders:

Modern Technology

The Schwind Amaris 1050RS. Facilitating complex personalised treatments with an active microscopic 7 dimensional eye tracker The Visumax 800 providing delivery of SMILEpro


Since 1996 we have invested more in laser eye correction technology and installed more refractive lasers than any other clinic in the South Island.

High Standards

The only accredited purpose-built corrective laser eye surgery operating centre in the South Island; complte with medical standard HEPA filtration, positive pressure.

Quality Updates

We have the latest Zeiss VisuMax® 800 femtosecond laser

Meet the experts

Dr David Kent
Dr David Kent
Fendalton Eye Clinic provides modern state-of-the-art laser eye surgery specialising in LASIK, SMILE eye laser, PRK laser eye sugery and cataract surgery. Our eye surgeon is Dr David Kent.
Dr Zea Munro
Dr Zea Munro

Dr Zea Munro, FRANZCO, MBChB, PGDipOphthalBS (Distn.) is an internationally trained Refractive Surgeon who has been invited to join the Fendalton Eye Clinic with Dr David Kent, one of Australasia’s leading refractive surgeons.